
Showing posts from April, 2017

Data Management

If there is one thing I know about myself, is that I am confident in being able to navigate technology. I can remember starting to use computers at home when I was still pretty young, possibly 3 rd or 4 th grade. My mother has worked in a chemistry laboratory longer than I’ve been alive, and has always used computers to help her compile data, so we have always had access to computers. When taking the self-assessment, I was both surprised and not surprised of my score. I scored as “confident in the ability to use various computer programs and views computers as beneficial”. I made the assumption that as a generation X’er, that I would be confident in the use of technology, yet I also expected a higher score as someone who is self-proclaimed to be confident in such. I will say that my confidence to use technology in other ways than just research and forums has changed significantly since starting this course. I have always been the one to be willing to show someone how t...

Feed Forward

The concept of feed forward is a very intriguing one. By using this idea to essentially provide feedback to myself and my teaching, it will provide me with the insight into what I may not be doing well. Whether it be that students, as a whole, may be struggling with something, or maybe even showing me that one particular student is falling behind. I want to be the type of educator that can have some sort of control over how my students feel they are learning, and how they are learning from me. By having a system of feedback and feed forward, I hope to be able to an honest and open relationship with my students. This assessment tool will help students understand what is expected of them in their future assignments in a positive way. Showing students that an educator is investing in their success will hopefully make students strive harder and become better at that respective careers. The use of feed forward is consistent with authentic assessment because it will truly help mys...
Interdisciplinary team approach to patient care The healthcare profession is one that is full of excitement, new experiences, and educational opportunities. Unfortunately, it is also full of stressful situations, strong personalities, and sometimes difficult people. That is where the proper education on the benefit of interdisciplinary working becomes important. This important aspect of our professional life can be compared to how it was when I played softball. I was a third baseman, and I depended on my teammates to work with me to win the game. I may not have always gotten along with all of my teammates, but we worked together for the goal of having a winning team. Let’s face it, we don’t always like working with certain people. Yet we do it for the sake of the patient to ensure safe and appropriate care. Safe patient care is of the utmost importance in our daily care, and that is done best when the interdisciplinary teams work well together. When ther...